The colModel property defines the individual grid columns as an array of properties. This is the most important part of the grid.

   colModel: [ {name: 'name1', index: 'index1'} /*, {...}, ...*/ ],

The only required property is name. The colModel options can also be get or set using getColProp and setColProp.

The available colModel properties are listed below. Please note that certain modules like Grouping can add additional options under certain conditions. Please refer to the respective pages

Data Mapping


Type: string Default: Required field

Set the unique name in the grid for the column. This property is required. As well as other words used as property/event names, the reserved words (which cannot be used for names) include subgrid, cb and rn.


Type: boolean Default: false

Overwrite the id (defined in readers) from server. Can be set as id for the unique row id. Only one column can have this property. This option has higher priority than the one from the reader. If there is more than one key set, the grid finds the first one and the second is ignored.


Type: string Default: none

Defines the mapping for the column in the incoming JSON string. See Retrieving Data


Type: string Default: null

Defines the xml mapping for the column in the incoming XML file. Use a CSS selector for this.


Type: mixed Default: {}

The predefined types (string) or custom function name that controls the format of this field.


Type: array Default: null

Format options can be defined for particular columns, overwriting the defaults from the language file.


Type: string Default: ISO 8601 Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Governs format of sorttype: 'date' (when datetype is set to 'local') and editrules: {date: true} fields. Determines the expected date format for that column. Uses a PHP-like date formatting. Currently ”/”, ”-”, and ”.” are supported as date separators. Valid formats are:


Type: function Default: null

Custom function to "unformat" a value of the cell when used in editing. Unformat is also called during sort operations. The value returned by unformat is the value compared during the sort.



Type: string Default: left

Defines the alignment of the cell in the Body layer, not in header cell. Possible values: 'left', 'center', 'right'.


Type: string Default: ''

This option allow to add classes to the column. If more than one class will be used a space should be set. For example classes: 'class1 class2' will add class1 and class2 to every cell on that column. In the grid CSS there is a predefined class ui-ellipsis which allows to attach ellipsis to a particular row.


Type: boolean Default: true

If this option is false the title is not displayed in that column when we hover a cell with the mouse.


Type: number Default: 150

Set the initial width of the column, in pixels. This value currently cannot be set as a percentage.


Type: function Default: null

This function adds attributes dynamically to the cell during the rendering of the data. For example all valid attributes for the table cell can be used or a style attribute with different properties. The function should return string. Parameters passed to this function are:



Type: boolean Default: false

If set to true this option does not allow recalculation of the width of the column if shrinkToFit option is set to true. Also the width does not change if a setGridWidth method is used to change the grid width.


Type: boolean Default: false

If set to true determines that this column will be frozen after calling the setFrozenColumns method


Type: boolean Default: false

If set to true this column will not appear in the modal dialog where users can choose which columns to show or hide. See Show/Hide Columns.


Type: boolean Default: false

Defines if this column is hidden at initialization.


Type: string Default: null

When colNames array is empty, defines the heading for this column. If both the colNames array and this setting are empty, the heading for this column comes from the name property.


Type: boolean Default: true

Defines if the column can be resized.


Type: boolean Default: true

This option is valid only when the viewGridRow method is activated. When the option is set to false the column does not appear in the view form.


Type: string Default: ''

The default value for the search field. This option is used only in Custom Searching and will be set as the initial search.


Type: boolean Default: true

When used in search modules, disables or enables searching on that column.


Type: array Default: []

Defines the search options used searching.


Type: string Default: 'text'

Determines the type of the element when searching.


Type: string Default: ''

Valid only in Custom Searching and edittype 'select'. Describes the URL from where we can get an already-constructed select element.



Type: array Default: []

Array of allowed options (attributes) for edittype option.


Type: array Default: []

Sets additional rules for the editable field.


Type: string Default: 'text'

Defines the edit type for inline and form editing. Possible values: 'text', 'textarea', 'select', 'checkbox', 'password', 'button', 'image' and 'file'.


Type: array Default: []

Defines various options for form editing.



Type: string Default: null

If set to 'asc' or 'desc', the column will be sorted in that direction on first sort. Subsequent sorts of the column will toggle as usual


Type: string Default: ''

The index name when sorting. Passed as sidx parameter.


Type: boolean Default: true

Defines if this column can be sorted.


Type: function Default: null

Custom function to make custom sorting when datatype is 'local'. Three parameters a, b and direction are passed. The a and b parameters are values to be compared. direction is numeric 1 or -1 for ascending or descending order. The function should return 1, -1 or 0


Type: mixed Default: 'text'

Used when datatype is 'local'. Defines the type of the column for appropriate sorting. Possible values:

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