The simplest way to group in jsgrid is to enable grouping with the grid option grouping and define a field name on which grouping occurs. The name value specified should correspond to the name in the colModel The definition is done with the groupField array which is a part of the grid option groupingView.

It is important to note that if you want the grouping to be correct, then the data should come from server to the grid sorted by that field. When we are in local mode (the data is an array) the data is grouped (sorted) automatically so there is no need to define any additional sort column.

In order to inform the server that we want to have a grouped data, jqGrid adds to the sidx parameter the groupField name on which we group. This done only if we have enabled the grouping and the data is remote.


When grouping is enabled, the following options will be set explicitly in the code:

Please refer to the options page for more information.

Grouping options

All grouping options are set as grid options and can be changed dynamically using the setGridParam method. Two options are related to grouping:

The first option grouping is boolean and enables or disables the grouping feature. The default value is false.

The groupingView option is an object and has a lot of sub-options. Below is a example on how this should be used:

  groupingView : {
     groupField : ['name', 'ínvdate'],
     groupOrder : ['asc', 'desc']

Below is the list of the options that can be set in groupingView:


Type: array Default: []

Defines the name from Column model on which we group. The first value is the first level, the second value is the second level and so on.


Type: array Default: null

Defines the column we use for the display data for the group.


Type: array Default: null

If specified defines the column we use for the title for the group - otherwise there is no title for the group header. This allows us to truncate the display value and still display the full value to the user if they hover.


Type: array Default: []

Defines the initial sort order of the group level. Can be 'asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending order. If the grouping is enabled the default value is 'asc'.


Type: array Default: []

Defines the grouping header text for the group level that will be displayed in the grid. By default if defined the value is '{0}', which means that the group value name will be displayed. It is possible to specify another value {1} which means that the total count of this group will be displayed, too. It is possible to set any valid HTML content.


Type: array Default: []

Shows or hides the column on which we group. The value here should be a boolean true/false for the group level. If the grouping is enabled we set this value to true.


Type: array Default: []

Enable or disable the summary row of the current group level. If grouping is set, the default value for the group is false.


Type: array Default: []

Set the position of the summary row at current group level. Possible values are:


Type: boolean Default: false

Show or hide the summary row when we collapse the group.


Type: boolean Default: false

If set to true the values in the first column are replaced with empty ones so that we have a pretty view. This usually is set if the first column is a group column.


Type: boolean Default: false

Defines if the grid should initially show or hide the rows in the group.


Type: string Default: 'ui-icon-circlesmall-plus'

Set the icon from jQuery UI theme that will be used if the grouped row is collapsed.


Type: string Default: 'ui-icon-circlesmall-minus'

Set the icon from jQuery UI theme that will be used if the grouped row is expanded.


Type: array Default: null

The elements of the array correspond to the number of the groups. Every element of this array is a function which should return true or false. In case if it returns false, the element will not be added to the group. Parameters passed to this function are : previous value, current value, group index, group object.


Type: array Default: null

The elements of the array correspond to the number of the groups. Every element should return a value which will be displayed as the grouped value. Parameters passed to this function are: current value, source value, colModel option, group index and group object.

colModel Options

If groupSummary is enabled, we use additional options in the Column model to configure the summary field.


Type: mixed Default: null

The option determines what type of calculation we should do with the current group value applied to column. Currently we support the following build in functions:

The option can be defined as a function. If defined we pass three parameters to it - the current value, the name and the record object. The function should return value. Note that this value will be used again for the group value until it changes.

Below is a example on using this function - simulating the sum function.

function mysum(val, name, record)
    return parseFloat(val||0) + parseFloat((record[name]||0));

  colModel : [
     {name: 'amount', index: 'amount', width: 80, align: "right", sorttype: 'number', formatter: 'number', summaryType: mysum},


Type: string Default: '{0}'

This option acts as a template which can be used in the summary footer row. The default means that this will print the summary value. The parameter can contain any valid HTML code.


Type: integer Default: undefined

This option determines the length of the remaining part after the decimal point.


Type: string Default: 'round'

This is the rounding method selector. Possible values are:

This parameter works only if the summaryRound is defined.

Content licensed under Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike. Original content taken from jqGrid wiki.